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- The Linux Busmouse Howto
- Mike Battersby, mib@deakin.edu.au
- v1.2, 2 August 1994
- 1. Introduction.
- This document is a guide to getting your busmouse working with Linux.
- I've written this in the hope that the ten people a week who post
- ``how do I get my busmouse to work'' questions in the comp.os.linux.*
- newsgroups will read it first, though I won't be holding my breath.
- Busmouse support has been in the kernel for as long as I can remember,
- and hasn't changed in a long time, so this document should be relevant
- to any version of Linux you're likely to have.
- 1.1. Disclaimer.
- The information in this document is correct to the best of my
- knowledge, but there's a always a chance I've made some mistakes, so
- don't follow everything too blindly, especially if it seems wrong.
- Nothing here should have a detrimental effect on your computer, but
- just in case I take no responsibility for any damages incurred from
- the use of the information contained herein.
- Microsoft(R) is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- [ trademark notices for other mice, anyone? --- Mike ]
- 1.2. Feedback.
- If you find any mistakes in this document, have any comments about its
- contents or an update or addition, send them to me at the address
- listed at the top of this howto.
- 1.3. Acknowledgements.
- This howto has been, in the spirit of Linux, a community effort. Many
- thanks go to Johan Myreen for the sections on the PS/2 mice, Robert T.
- Harris for help on the ATI-XL sections and Reuben Sumner for
- miscellaneous info and constructive criticism.
- Thanks also to the multitudes of people who have sent me mouse
- information, fixes or words of encouragement.
- 2. Determining your mouse type.
- There are two separate but important characteristics you will need to
- know about your mouse before you go on: what interface it uses and
- what protocol it uses. The interface is the hardware aspect of the
- mouse, taking into account things like which i/o ports it uses and how
- to check if it is installed. This is the part which the kernel is
- concerned with, so that it knows how to read data from the mouse. The
- protocol is the software aspect of the mouse. Applications need to
- know the protocol to interpret the raw mouse data they receive from
- the kernel.
- 2.1. Mouse interfaces.
- The Linux kernel currently supports four different kinds of bus mouse
- interface : Inport (Microsoft), Logitech, PS/2 and ATI-XL. The
- majority of bus mice have Inport interfaces, although lately PS/2
- interfaces are becoming more popular. There is no surefire way of
- determining your mouse interface --- mouse developers generally do
- their own thing when it comes to standards. The following sections
- may help, otherwise you'll just have to make it up.
- 2.2. Inport mice.
- This includes most of the old style Microsoft mice which are shaped
- like a bar of dove soap. U.S. users who have purchased Gateway
- computers should note that the mice that come with them are not Inport
- mice but PS/2 mice (see below). Inport mice generally connect to an
- interface card which plugs into the bus on your motherboard. If the
- plug which connects your mouse cord to the interface card is round,
- has 9 pins, and a notch in one side you likely have an Inport mouse.
- As far as I can tell, apart from the ATI-XL, all ATI mice (such as
- those on the Graphics Ultra cards) are plain Inport mice.
- 2.3. Logitech mice.
- Logitech mice in general appear almost exactly the same as Inport
- mice. They too connect to an interface card via a 9 pin mini-din
- connector. Hopefully, it will have come in a Logitech box or have
- ``Logitech'' printed on the connector card so that you can tell it
- actually is a Logitech mouse.
- There are also some truly ancient Microsoft mice (ones with ball
- bearings on the bottom as well as the mouse ball and a DB9 connector)
- which also use the Logitech protocol.
- 2.4. PS/2 mice.
- PS/2 mice aren't really bus mice at all. The PS/2 mouse interface is
- not on an expansion card, the mouse is connected to the PS/2 Auxiliary
- Device port on the keyboard controller. A PS/2 mouse port uses a
- 6-pin mini DIN connector, similar to the keyboard connector. Many
- laptops also use this kind of interface to their trackballs --- except
- for the connector, of course.
- 2.5. ATI-XL mice.
- ATI-XL mice are a variant of Inport mice, with some slight
- differences. They come on the ATI-XL combined video adaptor/mouse
- card. Unless you know you have an ATI-XL card (and thus an ATI-XL
- mouse), you probably don't have one of these. It is possible for ATI-
- XL mice to use either the ATI-XL or Inport kernel drivers, although
- the ATI-XL driver should give better results.
- 2.6. Mouse protocols.
- The PC world is full of different and conflicting mouse protocols.
- Fortunately, the choice for bus mice is considerable smaller than that
- for serial mice. Most Inport, Logitech and ATI-XL mice use the
- ``BusMouse'' protocol, although there are some ancient Logitech mice
- which use the ``MouseSystems'' protocol, and some even older Microsoft
- mice which use the Logitech protocol. PS/2 mice use the ``PS/2''
- protocol.
- 3. Getting your mouse working.
- Once you have figured out your mouse interface and protocol types,
- you're ready to proceed.
- 3.1. Setting the mouse interrupt.
- Now, you'll need to know which interrupt number your mouse is using,
- and make sure it doesn't conflict with any other peripherals you have
- installed.
- You should make sure that your mouse is not trying to use the same
- interrupt as any of your other devices --- it is not possible for the
- mouse to share an interrupt under Linux, even though it may work fine
- under other operating systems. Check the documentation for all your
- peripherals to see which interrupt they use. In most cases IRQ4 is
- used for the first serial port (/dev/ttyS0), IRQ3 for the second
- (/dev/ttyS1) (these are assuming you actually have such devices --- if
- you don't you can happily use their IRQ's), and IRQ5 for some SCSI
- adaptors.
- Note that for ATI-XL, Inport and Logitech mice the kernel default is
- to use IRQ5, so if you are stuck with a pre-compiled kernel (eg, CD-
- ROM users) you will have to use that.
- 3.2. Inport and Logitech mice.
- If you open up your computer's case and look at the card which your
- mouse plugs into, you should notice a block of jumpers on the card
- (hopefully labeled ``INTERRUPT'') with positions for interrupt
- (otherwise known as IRQ) numbers 2,3,4 and 5. To change the interrupt
- simply move the jumper from its current position onto the correct pair
- of pins.
- ***************************************************
- ***************************************************
- 3.3. ATI-XL mice.
- ATI-XL busmice have a software selectable IRQ - you should have
- received with your mouse a MS-DOS program (VSETUP.EXE) to set the IRQ.
- In order to do so you must (temporarily) boot MS-DOS and run this
- program. Note that the VSETUP program takes an optional parameter
- ``/70'' to increase the vertical refresh rate (which results in less
- flicker). The VSETUP program also allows you to select either the
- primary or secondary mouse address - you should set this to the
- primary address or the kernel will not be able to detect your mouse.
- Once VSETUP has been run you must perform a hard reset for the new
- configuration to take effect.
- 3.4. PS/2 mice.
- The PS/2 mouse always uses IRQ12 -- there is no way of changing this
- (except with a soldering gun.) In the rare case that some other
- device is using IRQ12, you'll have to rejumper that peripheral to use
- another IRQ number.
- 3.5. Compiling the kernel.
- In order for your busmouse to operate correctly you will need to
- recompile your kernel with the busmouse support compiled in.
- Change to your kernel directory (here assumed to be (/usr/src/linux)
- and do a
- make config
- If you are unsure as to your mouse type, the first time you recompile
- the kernel you may wish to enable all of the busmouse options in the
- hope that the kernel will autodetect your mouse properly. People have
- mixed sucess with this: it doesn't always work, but on the other hand
- it might save you any further compiles.
- 3.5.1. Inport, Logitech and ATI-XL mice.
- Answer ``y'' to the question pertaining to your type of busmouse
- interface and ``n'' to all the other busmouse questions. For example,
- if you have an Inport mouse you should answer ``y'' to
- Microsoft busmouse support
- and ``n'' to all other busmouse questions. Answer the non-mouse
- related questions as you usually would.
- If you have a Logitech or Inport mouse, edit the file
- /usr/src/linux/include/linux/busmouse.h and change the line which says
- #define MOUSE_IRQ 5
- to reflect the interrupt number for your mouse (see section ``setting
- the mouse interrupt'' for details on finding your interrupt number).
- If you have an ATI-XL mouse, edit the file
- /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/atixlmouse.c and change the line which
- says
- #define ATIXL_MOUSE_IRQ 5
- to reflect your mouse's interrupt number.
- Due to the vagaries of the PC architecture, if you have set your mouse
- to use interrupt 2, you must set the #define to use interrupt 9.
- Examples
- For a mouse on interrupt 3, you should change the line to read
- #define MOUSE_IRQ 3
- For a mouse on interrupt 2, you should change the line to read
- #define MOUSE_IRQ 9
- Next, compile your kernel as per the instructions which come with it,
- and boot from the new kernel. You should now have the busmouse
- support correctly compiled in.
- 3.5.2. PS/2 mice.
- To compile the kernel with PS/2 mouse support answer ``y'' to the
- question.
- PS/2 mouse (aka "auxiliary device") support
- The PS/2 mouse driver actually supports two kinds of devices: the
- standard PS/2 Auxiliary Device controller and a special PS/2 mouse
- interface chip from Chips & Technologies which is used in the Texas
- Instruments Travelmate and Gateway Nomad laptops. To compile in
- support for the trackballs on these computers, answer ``y'' to the
- C&T 82C710 mouse port support (as on TI Travelmate)
- question. Note that you will still have to answer ``y'' to the ques¡
- tion about the standard PS/2 driver to even get a chance to answer
- this question, since the 82C710 driver is actually an add-on to the
- standard PS/2 mouse driver.
- When configured both for a standard PS/2 mouse device and the 82C710
- device, the driver first tries to locate a 82C710 chip at boot time.
- Failing this, the standard driver is used instead, so using a kernel
- configured for both types of interface on a machine with a standard
- PS/2 mouse port should work too. However, there has been one report
- of a falsely detected 82C710 chip, so to be on the safe side do not
- configure in support for the 82C710 if you don't need it.
- Compile your new kernel and boot from it as you normally would.
- 3.5.3. Selection.
- Regardless of your mouse type you should answer ``y'' to the
- Selection (cut and paste for virtual consoles)
- question if you wish to run the selection program (see section
- ``selection'' for more details).
- 3.6. The mouse devices.
- Mice under Linux are accessed via the devices in the /dev directory.
- The following table gives a list of interface types and which device
- you should use.
- ---------------------------------------------
- Logitech /dev/logibm 10 0
- PS/2 /dev/psaux 10 1
- Inport /dev/inportbm 10 2
- ATI-XL /dev/atibm 10 3
- Table 1. Mouse devices.
- Note:
- If you are using your ATI-XL mouse with the Inport driver, you
- should use the /dev/inportbm device, not the /dev/atibm device.
- The major and minor entries are the device numbers for that particular
- device.
- If you find that you do not have these devices, you should create them
- first. To do so, execute the following as root.
- mknod /dev/logibm c 10 0
- mknod /dev/psaux c 10 1
- mknod /dev/inportbm c 10 2
- mknod /dev/atibm c 10 3
- Note:
- Some time in the (progressively less) recent history of Linux
- the names for the busmouse devices have changed. The following
- device names have been superceded by those above and should be
- removed: bmousems, bmouseps2, bmouseatixl, bmouselogitech.
- Many people like to create a symbolic link from their mouse device to
- /dev/mouse so that they don't have to remember which device they need
- to be using. If you have one of the current Linux distributions you
- will almost certainly find that you have such a link. If you have
- such a link, or create one, you should make sure that it is pointing
- to the correct device for your mouse.
- 3.7. Testing your mouse.
- Get the file selection-1.6.tar.gz from your local Linux ftp site and
- compile the program ``test-mouse'' within it, according to the
- instructions (all you should need to do is type ``make test-mouse'').
- Run the program like this
- test-mouse -t <mouse arg> -m <mouse dev>
- where <mouse arg> is ``bm'' (without the quotes) if you use the Bus¡
- Mouse protocol, or ``ps2'' if you use the PS/2 protocol, and <mouse
- dev> is your mouse device name from table 1.
- If your mouse is working correctly, you should be able to paint on the
- screen by holding down the right or left mouse button and dragging the
- mouse. Push the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously to exit
- the program.
- 4. Using your mouse.
- 4.1. Selection.
- Selection is a program which allows you to do mouse based 'cut- and-
- paste' between virtual consoles under Linux. Selection can be found
- as the file selection-1.6.tar.gz at your friendly Linux FTP site (such
- as sunsite.unc.edu), and contains instructions for getting it
- compiled. Some Linux distributions, such as Slackware, come with a
- precompiled selection binary.
- When invoking selection, use the -t switch to selection to indicate
- which protocol your mouse is using and the -m option to indicate which
- mouse device you are using. The default is to use the /dev/mouse
- device, so you can omit the -m option if you have the appropriate
- symbolic link. For example, if you use the BusMouse protocol,
- selection should be run like this:
- selection -t bm
- or if you use the PS/2 protocol:
- selection -t ps2
- You should then be able to cut and paste text between virtual consoles
- using the mouse buttons. Read the documentation with selection, or do
- a ``man selection'' for more information on how to operate it.
- There have been a couple of reports of selection not working correctly
- with certain laptop trackballs (under the PS/2 interface). Replacing
- the line
- { 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 3 } /* PS/2 */
- in selection's mouse.c file with the line
- { 0xcc, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 3 } /* PS/2 */
- may help if you are having problems and can't track it down to any¡
- thing else.
- 4.2. XFree86.
- To use your busmouse under XFree86, you will need to set your mouse
- protocol type in your Xconfig file. If you have a BusMouse protocol
- mouse, your Xconfig should contain (including the quotes)
- Busmouse "/dev/mouse"
- For PS/2 mice it should have
- ps/2 "/dev/mouse"
- If you have a two button mouse, it should also contain the line
- Emulate3Buttons
- which will allow you to emulate the use of the middle mouse button by
- pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously. All other mouse related
- lines, such as ``BaudRate'' and ``SampleRate'' should be commented
- out, as these have no effect on bus mice.
- 4.3. XFree86 and selection.
- Unlike serial mice, you cannot share busmice between processes. This
- means you will have to kill any copies of ``selection'' (see section
- ``selection'') you have running before you start up Xfree86. If you
- try to run X with selection running, you will get errors like the
- following
- Fatal server error:
- Cannot open mouse (Device or resource busy)
- Version 1.6 of selection allows you to terminate running copies of
- selection by executing
- selection -k
- This should be done before starting up X11. You may wish to add a
- line containing the above command to the top of your startx script so
- that the mouse is shut down automatically. If you have an older ver¡
- sion of selection which does not support the -k switch you will have
- to kill selection by hand.
- 5. Still can't get your mouse going?
- So you've read through this howto a dozen times, done everything
- exactly as you think you should have, and your mouse still doesn't
- work? The best advice I can give you is this: experiment. Sure, it's
- a pain in the posterior, but in the end the only way to find out what
- is going to work with your mouse is to try all of the alternatives
- until you have success.
- As always, if there is something you don't understand, try reading the
- manual page first and see if that helps. If you have a specific
- question, or a problem you think I might be able to help with, feel
- free to contact me at the address listed at the top of this howto, and
- I'll see if I can help you out or point you to someone who can.
- The comp.os.linux.help newsgroup is the appropriate forum for
- discussion and/or questions regarding mice --- please don't post
- questions to other groups, and especially don't crosspost questions to
- two or more of the Linux groups, they are more than cluttered enough
- as it is! When posting, you will get a much better response (and much
- fewer flames) if you use appropriate Subject: and Keywords: lines.
- For example:
- Subject: BUSMICE - Gateway 2000 mouse wont work.
- Keywords: mouse busmouse gateway